Featuring Vince Mendoza, Joshua Redman and the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra

NOVEMBER 25, 26, 27 - 2022
CENTRE CULTUREL "op der schmelz" - Dudelange, LU
In collaboration with Esch2022 - European Capital of Culture
With SYNAESTHESIA, the multimedia artist Émile V. Schlesser and the jazz trio Reis-Demuth-Wiltgen present a unique immersive jazz experience. Conceived as a walk-in installation featuring a 360-degree video projection, it invites viewers to immerse themselves in a dreamlike world that appeals to all senses.
Surrounded by musical sounds that are translated into colours, shapes and movements, the artists perform a subtle balancing act between various media in order to create a sensory symbiosis – an audiovisual experience that appears like a cross between concert, artistic installation and film screening, yet is in fact neither of these things.
The four artists are committed to exploring synaesthesia, a neurological condition where multiple sensory perceptions are inseparably intertwined: one sees what one hears, one hears what one sees, emotions materialise. Through their spectacular collaboration, Schlesser and Reis-Demuth-Wiltgen aim to make this phenomenon tangible for the audience.
Reis-Demuth-Wiltgen’s specially conceived jazz compositions merging with the computer-generated visual worlds of multimedia artist Schlesser. Audio and video are perfectly coordinated, influencing each other and reacting to each other in real time. The performers themselves remain largely hidden, pulling the strings behind the scenes and letting the illusion take centre stage.
The four artists are primarily creating a shared sensory experience. As in a collective trip, audiences are enabled to immerse themselves in the landscape, while their surroundings are constantly changing so as to allow for a different experience each time.

"Einfach grandios!" – JazzPodium, DE
"sämtliche dreizehn Nummern des Albums wissen immer wieder neue Wege in der bewährten Bandchemie aufzuzeigen. Schlagzeug, Bass und Klavier gleiten wie aus einem Guss durch die Musik, ohne in Routine abzugleiten." - Jazzthetik, DE
"...effektvoll spannend, mit geradezu entwaffnender Hinwendung zum Melodischen..." - Aachener Nachrichten, DE
"13 Tracks - purer akustischer Sound ohne elektronischen Firlefanz – berühren durch harmonische und rhythmische Raffinesse." - tip Pinneberger Tageblatt, DE
"Leur musique montre qu’on n’a pas besoin de loops, d’effets électroniques et tout ça pour produire une musique riche, variée, à la fois romantique à l’européenne et énergique sinon expérimentale à la new-yorkaise. Les atmosphères passent de l’ombre à la lumière, de la rugosité à la fluidité, du presque free à l’harmonie." - Le Soir, BE
"Renards virtuoses au programme de "Sly", le nouvel album du trio luxembourgeois Reis/Demuth/Wiltgen, et confirmation d'une vraie joie d'écoute lorsque ces trois-là sortent de leur tanière." - TSFJazz, FR
Our Concert at Philharmonie with Vince Mendoza, Joshua Redman and the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra

The Trio featuring Joshua Redman